Backsliding and the comeback

I wrote a couple days ago about committing to doing the things you say you’re going to do – whether it be to yourself, co-workers, family or friends. I’ve found the most difficult commitments to keep are the we make to ourselves because there is no other person that holds us accountable. We rely on the strength of our own will, the habits we’ve formed and the mental strength to follow through. I backslid this week-end on a couple of self commitments and have had to go through a process…

  • Embrace the backslide. What was it? A fabulous night out with friends? Connecting with other human beings? Was it a terrible week that drove you to the comfort of your vice(s)? Whatever it was embrace that thing and acknowledge that it happened.
  • You will fall off the wagon and backslide. Maybe on this journey to self commitment, we have to acknowledge that we will succumb from time to time to the thing we’re trying a) to do or b) not to do. In the end, it’s the decision we make after we backslide that will be the true test of our character.
  • Hit restart. No matter how shitty you feel the next day, you have to hit restart as soon as you can. If not, you will send yourself into a major negative spiral which will be even more difficult to pull yourself out of.

What are your commitments? Own them, but also cut yourself some slack when you slip up occasionally. The hope is that you recognize the slip up and deal with it so the likelihood of a future slip up, while always present, lessens over time.





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