Inspiration from leaders

Tonight I moderated a panel of senior executives who both come from and live in the comfort of diversity. Two of the panelists were immigrants to Canada and one had spent over 5 years in Asia and we were speaking to an audience of 500 middle and senior managers and directors about leadership and being bold.  After a lively discussion on diversity – physical, cultural,  mental –  I asked the panelist for a piece of advice the would give based on their personal journey:

  1. Be empathetic.  Having gone through taunting and feeling out of place as the only Asian family in a small town, this leader fundamentally understood what it meant to be visibly and culturally different. This experience left such an impression that it drives his empathy when interacting with his teams.
  2. Be authentic.  The world around you doesn’t always agree with who you may be, but don’t conform if it’s not who you are. Adaptation is critical, but not in the service of being untrue to who you are.
  3. Be courageous. If you’re offered the opportunity to try something new – if you’ve never done it before or know little about it (like go to Asia) – don’t let it stop you if it’s something you want to do. Don’t let fear keep you from experiencing the amazing things offered to you.

I had a wonderful time moderating this impressive group of leaders. We learn so much from meeting new people.  Keep putting yourself there and saying yes to the things that come your way.

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